Dr. Cook Roundtable Q&A Series: Benefits of NAD & Peptides to Treat POTS, Lyme & Gastrointestinal Issues

In this Q&A Podcast, Dr. Cook responds to questions from other doctors on treating POTS (postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome), Lyme and Mold, among other things. You'll also learn ways Dr. Cook has been helping patients increase the immune surveillance and improve their vascular health systems using NAD and peptides.
Please share your comments and questions with us, as well as other topics you would be interested in learning more about.
The secret to anti-aging then is to say, well, what's going on? Because even the most healthy people that are doing great end up having like 10 or 15 things going on. You're listening to a Bio Reset medical podcast with Dr. Cook. If you have questions, we're gonna talk more about your symptoms and issues.
You can always reach us at 650 888 7950. The following is a q and a hosted by Dr. Cook, where he weekly calls with doctors. The first question is, um, I'm a functional medicine doc and interested in, uh, uh, the use of high dose melatonin for covid 19. Um, and I'd like to hear if there's any experience or clinical trials using this.
Um, and that's from, uh, Michael Chang. So that's, that's actually a good question. Um, I don't, I don't think I have the perfect answer for this. Um, I have not traditionally used a lot of high dose melatonin. Um, I have a friend named John Laurenz who has, uh, this was this funny kind of hilarious joke, um, because he has a product called The Sandman.
And so it, it's, uh, when, uh, Ben Greenfeld came to visit me, he, he gave it to me. And these are high dose melatonin suppositories. And when I say high dose, I think they're 50 milligrams. And, um, I, uh, I normally like pop, I sleep like a baby and then wake up easy. And so then I, uh, I barely got out of bed at 10 o'clock the following day.
Um, uh, I, so I'm not used to using those high doses. Dr. Schoenberger uses those doses fairly frequently with a lot of people. Um, uh, and, um, uh, there's an experience that's a, I think. I'm hearing more and more people who are suggesting that, uh, melatonin can be helpful for people, um, with, uh, covid and, um, and so, uh, and I'm hearing that from a variety of sort of good, good practitioners.
I haven't used it in active cases at high doses. I've been, everybody that gets covid that I've been treating, I've been having 'em take 15 milligrams a night. Um, uh, I, Kristen, let's do a literature review on this and see what we can come up with. Um, okay. It seems like a reasonable low risk thing to add on in, in such a way that giving someone a, a, a, a suppository a 50 milligrams I think would be a reasonable thing and probably relatively low risk to add.
Um, and I'm open to any input Jan. Do, have you had any experience with, uh, the high dose small toner? Do you have any thoughts on that for Covid?
Um, I remember, uh, Helen and the functional medicine group that say that it is helpful mm-hmm. Because it does, it does increase, uh, the immune surveillance uhhuh and, and typically that they say you only have to go too high. I mean, if it's, if the person's not just sick, you can get away, away with. Like three milligrams, so, right.
So that's what I, traditionally we were always using three or four or five milligrams. Sometimes one milligram would do the trick, but, um, but, and so I think, you know, the question is in high dose. I, I think it's a, it's an interesting question. And so we'll do a little research and see what we can come up with.
Um, uh, I know up at Sophia Health Clinic in see in, uh, in Seattle, they're doing some, they're doing using quite a bit. And so I'll try to reach out to them and, um, and, and see if we can get some feedback on that. But that's good. That's a good question and it's an interesting thing to, to think about. Um, here's a question.
I have an 18 year old with postal ortho orthostatic tachycardia. Uh, pots and, uh, syndrome and, and toxic mold that I'd love some input on, um, peptides from Dr. Gutierrez. So that's a, that's a good question. That's a, um, that's a, it's a, it's a great question and it's a, uh, I, I think, yeah, I think we've talked about POTS a little bit.
Uh, and I think that, uh, POTS is probably one of the most challenging, um, conditions that I know of to treat because it represents fairly profound, uh, dys, autonomia and autonomic. The autonomic nervous system is fairly profoundly dysregulated. Um, I'm still basically a hundred percent of everybody that I've ever treat seen with pods.
I've never had anybody not test positive, um, for, for Lyme. Uh, and, and I've never had someone not test positive for mold. Uh, and a hundred percent have had high levels of mold in their urine and, uh, uh, high levels of mold antibodies on the Myco. And so I think, uh, as a baseline, I think it's reasonable to probably get that test, uh, to try to gather a history in terms of tickborne, uh, illness exposure, uh, and to, to try to sort to sort, sort that out and work that up.
Uh, what, uh, you wanna know? Is this the, uh, the, um, These are very sensitive patients. And so this is, and they're more sensitive, I would say, than almost any other, uh, patient. And so I want people to realize that they need to be exquisitely careful, thoughtful. And if there was ever one time to start low and go slow, this would be the case.
Um, there's a very high concordance between pots, uh, and, um, also with mast cell activation syndrome. And so, uh, the pa these patients can be very sensitive to foods. They can be very sensitive to histamine related foods. And when, when I see, uh, mass cell activation syndrome and this constellation, I generally see a lot of gastrointestinal issues as well.
Um, The, this is, this is probably review, but I just bear, I would say that it bears repeating. I just talked to, uh, a, a person who I super, um, uh, love cuz she taught me a lot about ma um, about pots just because we've been working on it for the last couple of years and she's, it's been a experience of getting a lot better, but often it is the case of two or three steps forward and one step back, um, in, in terms of, uh, the, my approach to peptides, the, uh, my, my thought.
And so interestingly what I was gonna say is I talked to her and she said, of, of everything that I've ever done, if I could say the number one thing that I, I, I got benefit from, uh, was from n a d and from intravenous n a d. And I think that that's a, uh, super interesting and important point here for you to think about.
And the, the reason why I think that n a d is, is quite helpful for these people is, is that the, imagine a blood vessel and imagine that the blood is flowing around inside that blood vessel. And you've got a, a catheter in that, uh, blood vessel in this vein, and N A D is going in there. And so you've got now a relatively high concentration of N A D compared to normal in the, um, in, in your blood.
Now what will happen is, is that n a D is gonna start to dissolve and try to get from an area of high concentration to low concentration. So it's gonna start to get absorbed by cells in the first place. It's gonna get absorbed is by those cells that line the blood vessel. And, um, and so then, uh, I think that by, if, if the n a D gets absorbed by those cells that are either the endothelial, uh, cells or even the, the cells and the lining of the arteries and stuff like that, uh, once you start to increase the n a D in those cells and those cells get healthier and their mitochondrial functioning gets help better, then they tend to function better.
And as they function better then and their health goes up, then they're able to do their job. And if they're able to do their job, uh, that, that is where the autonomic nervous system is really acting at the, at the end points of the vascular treat. And so, if I can improve vascular health with n e d, uh, and interestingly, you know, I just have a, a pa another person who I super like who's kind of hanging out for.
Uh, a couple months was in town and, you know, I, I put an IV in him late last night and, uh, it was amazing because I looked at him and, and, and I was all, I put all of his IVs in cuz he is a friend of mine. And, and it was because when he came there was no veins. And after, you know, a couple months of doing IVs, it's like, I was like, do you realize how easy it is to put an IV in for you?
All of your veins are like, look amazing. And that's a typical experience that we will see where people's veins start to get way better. Uh, they'll be softer and, um, it's easier to put catheters in. And so I'm, I'm. I'm quite impressed with n e D in terms of its effect on the vascular tree. And so then as a result of that, uh, doing, doing n e d, uh, as a, as a modality for, um, for treating that and then having a benefit in terms of the effect at, at the autonomic nervous system, right where those nerves are actually impacting, uh, the, at, at, at the blood vessel is, is I think doing something.
And, and now in parallel to that, probably some of that a d is getting absorbed by various, uh, nuclei in the brain and the brain stem that may also be, uh, having, having a positive effect on the, on the dysautonomia. So I think there's probably a variety of different mechanisms, but when I, when I see someone with.
With pots. Then I, my first thing, and, and I think this has been consistent for me, the first thing that I wanna do is I wanna try n d now. That's great. That's one. The 0.2 that you have to remember is, is that these are very fragile patients that you gotta be a little bit careful with because they're highly susceptible to, if you turn on detox reactions for that to flare them.
And so, and so this is a interesting kind of to process through, I've mentioned this before, but I'll just say this again. Somebody that is drinking a bottle of vodka a day. Almost always, you can give them as much n d as you want. You could give them 1500 milligrams and they would feel like they came back to life.
Now, a person with pots and, uh, ma cell activation syndrome and mold and lime can't drink a bottle of vodka. They couldn't even drink a shot of vodka probably that would lay them out. And so when I first treat them, I'm very gentle and I started doing this. This is kind of an update of, of how I started to approach this is when if someone's in my office, uh, and.
I think that they're sick. I'll, I'll typically do some IVs and I won't give them any d. Once I do two or three IVs and they're doing fantastic, then I'll give them, and a lot of times if I, I might only give them, you know, 50 milligrams or a hundred milligrams at a hundred ccs real low dose and prove that they can do good.
As many people as we do that for, we've got probably twice as many people who are remote. And so I'm doing a lot of remote subcutaneous, n e d and the subcutaneous, n e d, uh, I think is a fantastic alternative to an IV because it's, uh, it's in subcutaneous tissue, but it's gonna get absorbed by a vein and then basically do the same thing as if it it was iv.
Now, my new little wrinkle that I started, because these patients are super sensitive, is that, uh, I, I have people use the insulin syringes, the same pep, the same syringes that we use for peptides for the nad. And so, uh, uh, 50 units on an insulin syringe is half a cc, which means 25 units. On a insulin syringe is a quarter of a cc.
Now the, the, the subcutaneous N na D that we have is buffered. That stuff from archway is buffered. And so I think that's, and it's the for sure. And so if you take half a CC of that, that's 20, uh, that'd be 50 units. So 25 units is, um, and so half a cc, so just these numbers, half a cc is 200 milligrams per cc.
So half a cc or 50 units would be 100 milligrams, and therefore 25 units would be 50 milligrams. 50 milligrams is a super low is a relatively low dose. And then 12 and a half units would be 25 milligrams. And so for my. For, for people that either have mast cell occupation syndrome or for people who have POTS who are just starting, what I'll do is I'll say, give yourself 2012 and a half units of n e d and do that for two days, and then I'll go to 25 units, and then I'll go to 35 units and then maybe 45 and 50, 50 units eventually.
Now, what I get out of that is I, I end up being able to give them a very small amount where they ramp up over the course of a week. What I've noticed is, is if I pred dose them with some trimethylglycine, so they have some methyl donors on board, and then I'm starting at at a dose of. 25 milligrams of N A D and I'm working my way up to a hundred milligrams essentially over a week.
Uh, I found that basically I can onboard people to N A D and they have almost no side effects and, uh, they don't get any of the detox reactions. And so if I had a patient who had this, I would follow some kind of algorithm like that where I'm, I'm slowly, um, slowly increasing the, the dose of, uh, the N E D and I think that that's super helpful.
I think that. I have a strong feeling just from our clinical experience and, and also from tracking and watching labs on people that any d is helpful for detoxing things in general, but I think it's particularly helpful for detoxing mold. And so then if I have an 18 year old with toxic mold, that any DS could be helpful.
Obviously we're gonna wanna develop a total program for detoxing that. And, um, uh, the, and, and also I wanna, if I have an 18 year old, I wanna onboard them to something where they're gonna have a good experience because if, if they, if they feel detoxy and sick and, and have a bad experience, they may not, uh, stick with the program once I had them up to a dose of a hundred milligrams.
These patients respond so well to the, the n that. I would, I wouldn't mind even for two or three weeks doing n a d almost every other day. Uh, and, and doing it at low dosing and then tracking to see how they did in terms of their, um, their symptomatology and, and, and in terms of, of, of how they do. Um, uh, as a, as just a couple grab bagg, kind of interesting kind of, uh, things.
I've had people with pods present where the slightest thing would trigger them into almost like a fight or flight reaction. And then all of a sudden, like, I've had a couple times when people would, would be, Basically in the clinic and, and something happened and all of a sudden their heart rate would go to like 150.
Uh, and I've brought that down with Ed. So I always have Ed available, which is a benzodiazepine, and if there's a trigger that happens, I've, ive been able to use Ed. To help bring that down. I've also, and, and, and had a few situations were a little sketchy, and I gave, uh, uh, a combination of some metoprolol, which is a beta blocker, and was able to basically break the, break the tachycardia and then they did good.
And then interestingly, I gave them n a d after that and then they proceeded to feel progressively better. So, um, n a D is, I think, super crucial in, in that, in terms of peptides, by far, the first one, sinus alpha one, it's gonna regulate the immune system. It's gonna hopefully start to regulate the mast cells.
And it's also going to, um, uh, It's also the one that has the least flare with this population. Um, the number two would be Thymosin Beta four. And then I would, I would start them with Thymosin alpha one and I'd, if it was an 18 year old, I'd probably think about doing this, this, uh, an ascending, um, dosing with the Thymosin Alpha one.
Where I would, uh, 17 units is 500 micrograms. And so often what I'll do is I'll, I'll cut that in half and I'll, I'll have 'em do eight units for a day or two, which is like 250 micrograms. And this, I do this for a hundred percent of the people with pots is i'll. So I would probably get them going on any D cuz any D's gonna make 'em feel better than anything else.
And then I'm gonna start with like, Eight units. So that's not much, that's like 250 micrograms. And what I'm uh, going for is to start them on peptide therapy where they can get started and not have any side effects. So then we slowly escalate them and once they're on eight units for two or three days, or four days or five days, and if they're feeling great, then every two days I'll let them go up, up to, so I'd go from eight to 12 to 16, 17.
And, and so then now I've got them at 500 micrograms a day, which is the, I would say the low end of the, the normal dose. And so I'm just doing an escalating dose over, let's say a week. However, you're gonna have some people with pots who you give. 200 micrograms and then they will have some detox reactions and so then you're gonna back off and you might have them do, uh, something as low as, as, you know, three or four or five units.
So I, I have some people that I started on Thymosin Alpha one at, at, at doses of basically like a hundred micrograms. So it's super low dose of TA one, and then I escalate them up. And, and then I'm letting them guide how fast they ex, they escalate based on how they're, how they're doing and, and how they're feeling.
I would, uh, once I got them up on Thymosin Alpha one, I'd probably do that for a month. Then I would add in th thymosin beta four. Uh, and I would, uh, I, I would start them again at, uh, at 200 micrograms and I would, I would try to escalate them up to 500 micrograms and I would do one. So I'd start with a TA one and get up to 500 and then, uh, wait there for a little bit, and then maybe a week, and then I would add on the, uh, thymosin beta four.
Um, then there's a whole bunch of other peptides that we can kind of start to talk about. And, and we're, we're playing with, um, certain protocols around this. And so I'm gonna have more. A lot more experience I would say over the next few months cuz we're, I'm testing a bunch of different approaches, but I would start with thy beta four and thy alpha one for that as well as doing all the traditional functional medicine stuff.
Um, uh, and, and see how they do. Do you have any more specific questions? Is Emily on here? No, I don't think she's on, no, that's okay. Um, uh, what peptide protocol would you use to treat a patient cover recovering from 19 or someone, uh, with autoimmune disease? So the covid, the post covid situation is gonna be, uh, like just about like the defining question that we are all gonna have to ask ourselves and have a good understanding of and, and then, You know, drive forward in the next two or three years.
Cuz I think we're gonna have a lot, we're gonna have a very large number of people who have post, uh, covid symptoms. And I did a podcast, uh, with Mark Hyman, um, last week that was super fun. And he, he asked me, I, he said, well, what, he asked me the question, he said, what, uh, what works for post covid? And that was the, that was the question he asked me.
And then my response was, anything that works for acute covid generally works for post covid. And then it was interesting. It was kind of awesome cuz he smiled at me and he goes, exactly, that's exactly right. And so then if I. And so then that's gonna be an interesting question. And then interestingly, you know, the people who are at the forefront of taking care of Lyme disease, I think generally are more experienced and more used to techniques that work for people with kind of chronic complex illness and, and chronic viral things.
And then the constellation of everything that we're talking about, for example, like post, you know, autonomic dysautonomia. So in the, uh, Barb is on all of these Facebook groups for people with post covid and uh, disautonomia is a big one. And so then as we think about post, we're gonna have. And, uh, sophisticated approach to thinking about the, the spectrum of symptoms that people have, because it's gonna be a little bit like Lyme.
And so you could say someone has Lyme, but the, uh, someone who has neurological Lyme as opposed to Lyme that's in a joint as opposed to, uh, denomi are gonna be totally different. Um, although there tends to be a little correlation between neurological alignment and the denomi obviously. So, um, so then I think diagnostically it's gonna be very important that we have a thoughtful approach to classifying and organizing.
Um, how we think about post covid and just, I'm just kind of saying this out loud, but that makes me think that I'm gonna try to put together some classifications in terms of post covid, and if anybody has any ideas, send it to me. Um, because I think that is, that is a pretty good idea. Um, now then, how would I, how would I then think about, um, how would I think about peptides and how would I think about it?
I would think then what, then what I'm gonna do is develop some classifications and, and, and then think clinically about how people present. And then based upon that, develop algorithms that are probably somewhat derivative of our other experiences, taking care of, um, com, taking care of other problems. Um, now I'll give you some cases.
I, I, um, Uh, and I think this is gonna be illustrative of, um, of what I'm doing. And by the way, if anybody wants to duplicate what I'm, what, what I'm about to tell you, I'm super happy to do it. Um, and so then, um, I, uh, I was, I got a text from, uh, a friend of mine, uh, Duncan, and then he goes, I got a er doctor who's got Covid, who's super sick.
And it turned out that that guy actually had some, uh, exosomes and then treated himself and felt, uh, and then this is a useful kind of to talk through these cases because then he felt dramatically better. Like he told me, he thought that he was gonna go to the hospital and then he gave himself the exosomes and felt dramatically better.
Um, for, uh, about a day, a little bit longer. And then he started to get worse and then his wife Al also got it. And, and he's an ER doctor and he got it doing it er shift. So then, um, and so then he started to get worse again. And so I mailed him thymus Alpha one, and, um, I gave, I did what I always do, which is, uh, he is a young, young, healthy guy.
So I gave him 1.5 milligrams as initial dose. And then within, I ended up giving him, uh, four milligrams the first day and six milligrams the second day. And we stayed at six milligrams for like three days. And then I did the same thing, um, for his wife. And then basically he, um, he, as soon as I got him up to that high dose and I told him if he didn't get a hundred percent better, um, I, I told him that I.
I would take 'em all the way to 10 milligrams. And that comes from, uh, my experience. We've treated a lot of people remotely with 10 milligrams a day at thymus and alpha, one divided by three to four doses. And, um, and then as soon as he felt basically a hundred percent better, and that was a day for five, then I, I went down to three milligrams and I went back down to 1.5 milligrams.
And that comes from our experience. And Dr. Seeds has a lot of great experience and has been, uh, extremely helpful to me and I think in general to the world on this topic. And so I wanna thank him again for, for his input, like in this category. Um, and so then what? And, and so then I'm continuing to strongly feel that thi one is very, is the most helpful peptide.
Um, Initially now then what I'm doing is once they come down to 1.5 milligrams, generally what I'm telling people is that if you've had covid, I'm gonna keep you on this peptide for the next four to six months. And if, you know, these are relatively inexpensive, um, you know, a couple hundred dollars a month to maybe a little bit more depending on what, what dose you're doing.
And so I tell everybody to stay at 1.5 milligrams for the first month. And then if you're feeling totally great, then I'll transition down to, uh, 750 micrograms to 500 micrograms if, if you want to go down to a lower dose. But we've seen so many people have such a odd constellation of symptoms that I think from a.
Relapse perspective from a prophylaxis perspective and from a prevention of some of these long-term symptoms. I think staying on thymus and alpha one in the dose range of let's say 750 micrograms to 1.5 milligrams is great. And so that's category one is, uh, uh, peptide. It, it seems to work for prevention.
It seems to work for acute. So therefore, based on that logic, it seems like it's a reasonable thing to do for post covid. And I'm doing that and I'm having relatively phenomenal results with that. Then, uh, uh, I'm also, uh, giving everybody thymus and beta four. And so there's a couple algorithms of, of how to do that.
And uh, one is to take, um, One is to take 500, uh, to 750 to 1.5 milligrams a day. It modulates in a slightly different way to Thymosin Alpha one. Uh, and I find them generally to be synergistic. And so for people who are in the post covid, uh, situation, uh, uh, if they, if I was treating them, I would have them on Thymosin Alpha one and Thymosin Beta four acutely.
And I think the Thymosin Beta four acutely is helpful. And when I'm treating them in acutely, I'm doing a bolus dosing. So I'm doing, uh, uh, at least 10 milligrams. So that's a high dose. Um, and that, that comes from, uh, a little bit of the Australian experience where, uh, uh, some friends of mine over there were taking care of some, uh, had a, a, a relatively interesting experience taking care of H I V PR patients and, uh, and, um, in prisons actually.
And, uh, th they, that was their dose and they had, they had a long clinical experience of using that dose, 10 milligrams iv. And so then that was one of the, what led, what led me to start to go to bolus dosing of beta four. And so I'd like to give that, uh, if I can,
When I'm dealing with th with post covid, I'll have them take Thymosin Beta four every day, like seven 50 to a thousand micrograms. But then once a week I'll give them 10 milligrams as a bolus. And when I do that 10 milligram bolus, uh, if the, assuming that they're remote, I'll just have them do that remote, um, as a subcutaneous injection.
If they're in the clinic, I'll do that IV. And people, uh, have responded very well to that. So I think that Thymosin beta four is a great, uh, post covid peptide. Uh, I, I think that LL 37, uh, makes a lot of sense acutely. And so then I think you can also use it, uh, in the post-acute, uh, uh, session. And that's a hundred micrograms a day.
And, and you can do that a hundred micrograms twice a day, uh, in, um, acute and so, For, for, for the post covid. Uh, you could do a hundred micrograms a day, so come down a little bit on the dose, but I think that that's, uh, a nice thing to do. And then I, and, uh, uh, many other people have been using BPC 1 57, uh, both as, uh, in, in the acute, uh, as an, as an anti-inflammatory.
And then also in, in, in the post, uh, and we're, we're using doses, uh, in the ballpark of 500 to a thousand micrograms. And I would have no problem giving somebody a thousand micrograms in that first month of, of post-acute. And it's, it's interest is super interesting because. I, I'm now having more and more people that I'm talking through this stuff, and basically I'm just getting like texts from doctors and stuff like that.
And, and most of the people I'm treating with these protocols are doctors who just find out about me and call me, and then I'll basically, uh, help manage them. And so if you're a doctor and you want that, I'm super happy to do that if you want. Um, if your patient will just, we, we have a, a fairly reasonable approach where my PAs are, are managing this for people.
And I'm now an enormously interested in doing these algorithms because I'm having more and more people who I talk to who I say, how's it going? Like in, at the end of a week? And they're like, I'm totally perfect. Um, and I think that that's not the average Covid experience. And, and we are, we're now in clinic on a.
Basically every couple days seeing people who are like, oh yeah, I had Covid in March. I basically, I've been having chest pain ever since then. Um, and interestingly, I have seen quite a few people who have intermittent. Uh, chest pain. And, uh, initially I had a couple people who came in with basically describing like they were having a heart attack.
I mean, people were coming in and there's this, there's a, when, when somebody has a, uh, a acute mi there's a sign called Levine Sign where they'll kinda grab their heart and, and bend over and they'll, um, they'll kind of squeeze. And, um, uh, so I had a couple people who were doing that and they were like, oh yeah, I have pain in the left side of my chest.
It's radiating down my arms. And, um, so then I, I felt like the only reasonable and rational thing to do in that setting was to, um, send them to the emergency room and they rolled out for mi. And then left the hospital with chest pain. Um, and so then, um, uh, on those patients, I ended up doing IBO ozone and then the pain went away.
Um, I have a, uh, a couple patients that I've had with that had chest pain, um, who, who I did subcutaneous and, and then I also had a couple patients who had chest pain and then, uh,
Uh, back pain basically that was like thoracic pain that was basically referring back. Um, uh, a few of those people I did, uh, vagus nerve hydro dissection at, uh, the C1 transverse process bilaterally. Uh, one of those people had like debilitating pain, and then I did the beal nerve height dissection, um, and, uh, with exosomes and then literally like as the needle before I could do the other side.
Um, they're like, oh yeah, the, the chest pain went away on the right side of my body. And, and then by the time I did the other one, the, the other side went away. Interestingly, this I think is, I, I predict, I predict that this is, Potentially gonna be a game changer for, um, pots because if I can start to, uh, reset, uh, uh, with hydro dissection, the vagus nerve, the glossopharyngeal nerve, and all of basically resetting, basically the autonomic nervous system from here down, um, I think that that's gonna be a game changer.
And I can, I can tell you as like one of the best things that I've ever personally experienced. Um, so that's, that's kind of a amazing and interesting, um, in terms of, uh, uh, and so then I think all of those are, are good approachable, uh, peptides, uh, that, that you can do. Um, the, it's interesting. So. You, I, I've also, uh, been doing for people who have some of the denomi, the, the chest pain stuff.
I've also taken just BPC 1 57 and Thymosin beta four. And, um, and, and then, um, just said, ask them where the chest pain was and then just injected the peptide kind of in the area where the chest pain was with, with the insulin needle. And I've actually had people on the phone who, uh, had them, uh, who I talked to like at night, uh, at like 10.
And I, I had them inject, uh, like one or two milligrams of, uh, BPC 1 57 and one or two milligrams of Thymosin Beta four when they were in chest pain. Um, and thinking about going to the emergency room. And then I broke the chest pain doing that. And so I think that, um, there's some super interesting algorithms in terms of, uh, and doing peptides to help reset in some of these acute, kind of an emergency type of situations.
And you can do that. I've also done it in the back, uh, for some of these patients and had very good results. The, um, the other thing that I've done, I see William Brown, um, sent a question and, uh, I think he's the anesthesiologist who I think asked this question. Um, uh, for the, for some of the people that presented with this, um, with.
The denomi, uh, chest pain stuff. I did, um, uh, an approach where I went into the inner spinous ligament, the thoracic inner spinous ligaments. It, but it would be like doing a, a thoracic epidural, but like, but, but like from a midline approach, which you technically can't really do, but with the 27 gauge needle, uh, you, you can get into that place and then going in and then slowly injecting as I'm going in, uh, not going anywhere near the ligament and flavum, but just staying superficial in that area.
And I, I was able to, uh, make the pain totally go away with that. So I've had quite a robust experience of having people come in with a wide variety of, uh, chest symptoms, um, uh, that are, that are post covid. Um, interestingly,
Peptide. The, the question was, what peptides do you do for this? Um, and, and I think that was an okay answer. I think I, I could do better. Um, but on top of that, uh, what I'll say is that ozone is super helpful. And generally what happens is if you treat somebody with ozone, um, uh, Immediately, almost all those symptoms go away.
And so my first, uh, my first thing in the algorithm of taking care of these patients is to give them iiv ozone. If that doesn't totally clear it up, then we have these other things. The issue is, is that, um, we have so many people who are remote and, uh, don't have any access to anyone. And so then I've come up with a lot of these, uh, other techniques just for helping to support and manage, uh, people remotely.
Interestingly, just while we're on the topic, uh, nebulizing glutathione for the remote people, uh, has been very helpful and I've, uh, broken some chest pain and, and some of those symptoms with that. I think, uh, that, uh, uh, hydro dissection, uh, so, so hydro dissection, uh, of the, of the autonomic nervous system has been very helpful.
In general, uh, hydros dissection, I think it can be helpful for some of the pain and I think will be, uh, very helpful for taking care of some of the peripheral problems per, uh, particularly some of the kids that have some of the vascular phenomena. And, um, and so if. I'm interested if anyone has any of those cases.
I'm, I'm in very interested in just weighing in with, uh, some of my thoughts on that and would be supportive to, uh, talk people through that. Um, the other half of that question, which was, uh, peptide protocol for taking care of someone with autoimmune disease, I, yeah. Interestingly, you could almost give the same answer.
That I gave, I wouldn't be giving them ll 37, cuz I'm thinking of that as more of from an infection perspective. Um, but, uh, for, for autoimmune disease, always thymus alpha one, generally thymus and, uh, beta four second. Um, and then get them going on those for a while. Try, uh, try, uh, BPC 1 57. Not everybody does great with that, which is why that's number three.
And then, uh, we'll kinda go, uh, go further on that. I can't see what time it is, so you never, I You never, what time is it?
It's 6 58. Oh, we have so much time. So then, um, here's a question. I'd like Dr. Koch's opinion. Uh, on the use of, um, N A D infusion therapy, um, uh, for something other than {redacted}, uh, as an adjunctive to oral supplements such as nmn for longevity as Dr. David Sinclair talks about. So I think that the nmn is, um, uh, is definitely great for, um, sorry, I gotta, is definitely great, uh, as a, uh, a supplement.
Um, I still clinically. Haven't seen fairly profound results with that, um, uh, as, as an anti-aging strategy, although I, although I'm a fan of the concept and, um, and I, I think it's a good thing to do, I don't think it, it cures situations where people have really low levels of n a d like {redacted}, which is why everybody that's taking care of {redacted} is generally doing some, some better form of N A d like subcutaneous or IVs.
Um, and it's interesting how, uh, it's interesting how, um, how profound it is in that category. Uh, uh, the, i, I, a old, old friend of mine, uh, who is, was one of the most influential people, uh, To me in helping getting my practice going, uh, uh, was here yesterday. I was so happy to see him. And, um, uh, we have a mutual friend who was an, a, a {redacted} expert, uh, who I really just think the world of.
And, um, he came in yesterday and he goes, so and so, uh, just wanted you to know that you saved his life with N A D. And that's a common thing you hear, um, in, in and around the {redacted} space. I think that n a for, for non {redacted}, I think of n a d as a really important signaling molecule. And then I like to think about strategies of using N A d, uh, in longevity, where I use it as a little bit of a, as a, as a, as a bolus.
And then I step back and let the body do what it does. And so then, and I'll even do this for myself, so I might, um, like if we have expired N a d I'll give it to myself, but then generally if I don't, then I won't. And so then I might go a, a week or a month and not do it, but then I'll, I'll have some, uh, or we'll, we'll have a bottle that's about to expire.
And so then I, I might do an injection every day for two or three days. Uh, I like that algorithm. I have a lot of people who will do a subcutaneous injection once a week. Um, and, and people will like that for the whole category of people with autoimmune disease. Uh, uh, chronic fatigue, a lot, uh, brain fog. A lot of those patients, I will give it to 'em.
And a lot of people will, what they'll do is they'll say, here's the thing I know that I'm gonna have, I have two bad days every week. And so then I say, if you have two bad days every week, take N A D on those days if N A D works for you. And a lot of people will tell me, oh yeah, it used to be that I had like two days that just totally sucked.
And then ever since I started seeing you, whenever I wake up and I'm having one of those days, then I'll just do an n a d shot. And then next thing I know, it's like an, an amazing day. And, and interestingly what ha the, what my logic is a lot of those people I had to use the TB syringes and work their way up so that they could get their detox pathways rolling.
And then once that happens, then they can do it. So just remember, remember that, that caveat. But, um, the, um, Those people that's kind of life changing. Cuz if you can fix brain fog on the two bad days a week and the rest of the days were somewhat okay. Generally my experience is a lot of those people will, will do that.
And then, um, and then next thing you know, they're only doing it one day a week. And so in my end, you know, anything you have access to, you're gonna do a lot. And so in my, um, in my, when I initially found out about N E d I did as much n e D as anybody has done. And that was a really amazing, wonderful experience.
And I feel like I kind of reset my, um, N A D stores. And I, I think that there's something to this and obviously I do a lot personally, but I know that now basically I wake up. And then at about, like after I've been awake for about an hour, I just feel totally perfect. And then interestingly, I just feel totally perfect all day and I'll feel kind of, I feel a level of resilience that I, like, I never felt maybe in when I was like five or six years old or a little kid.
And so I think there's something to, to sort of resetting that I, and, and interestingly, you know, the {redacted} space, they do 10 days in a row and I, I did that probably twice. I, and I probably did another 50 or a hundred days of subq injections. And then it's interestingly like now I to, I totally don't need it anymore.
And so there's an as as you think of anti-aging, I think one. Concept is to start to bring biological systems on, and then as they start to work, then immediately transition to another biological system. And then, and then once you got a few working and they're all kind of dialed in, then now we're just playing and cycling through.
Um, and then know that as we're doing this, we're cycling through different peptides. And so then, and then know that philosophically, I definitely don't wanna have an idea of like, give you, you know, any d twice a week for the rest of your life. Because what I'm trying to do is do stuff that resets the body.
And resets pathways. But, but then to get those pathways working, another way to, um, increase n e D levels is with this, uh, peptide, mod C, mod C and um, that all that. Also, by the way, if you take that, you'll feel like you're on N E D and it's, I don't know if any, if you've ever taken modafinil, which is a, is a little bit like Ritalin.
It's a stimulant. Um, being on mod C is like being on a stimulant, and I think it's probably a much better alternative to a lot of those stimulants and to Toda or any of those things, although I think they have their place and can be helpful. Um, and so then, uh, one thing that I'm doing with a of people is I'm doing protocols where we'll do.
An IV of N A D, maybe some subq n a d, and then we'll totally stop that and then take a break. And then I'll do C. And so then I'm cycling through different ways to increase N A D as a signaling molecule. Which, and, and, and, uh, and, and that's been a positive experience. Biore Reset Medical is a medical practice specializing in integrative therapies and advanced wellness protocols.
At Biore Reset Medical, we treat some of the most challenging to diagnose and difficult to live with ailments that people suffer from today, including Lyme disease, chronic pain, P T D, and mycotoxin illness. Our team has a wealth of experience in advanced integrative strategies. To get you to optimum wellness, many of which can be conducted remotely from the comfort of your own home.
Right now, our team's approach is to use the most non-invasive, natural, and integrative ways possible. Find out how we can help you by reaching out to us at 6 5 0 8 8 8 7 9 5 0, or at our website, www bio reset medical com. It's gonna be amazing. With respect to anti-aging, I think, you know, the, the secret to anti-aging then is to say, well, what's going on?
Because even the most healthy people that are doing great end up having like 10 or 15 things going on and, and, or at least several, uh, small, small things going on. And so, You know, figure figuring that out because then that can inform what you're doing and, and, uh, how you're, you're going about these. I do think that any d is real helpful on the detox front.
So if there's people with detox, um, challenges, I think that any d is, uh, uh, uh, important and good tool to use. But I still think that it's important to cycle through. So I hope that's helpful. Um, somebody along those lines, somebody asked the question, uh, what's the best peptide combination for patients with elevated benzene and styrene?
Um, it's interesting. That's a good question. And then I wanna, uh, dig into this one and we're gonna do a little research from my team, Kristen. So we're gonna give this to one of the medical assistants. Um, Uh, it was super interesting because for, um, for 15 years, all day, every day I was breathing, um, a little SIBO flooring.
Uh, and I can tell you, I, I, I know the, I know the smell of SIBO fluorine probably almost better than I know the smell of anything else. It's, it's pretty interesting. And, uh, SIBO Fluorine is an inhalational anesthetic. And so what we would do is, um, we would, uh, put somebody to sleep and as an anesthesiologist with propofol and, um, uh, then, um, Once they're asleep, often as anesthesiologist, then we'll do something called mask ventilation, where we hold a mask and we squeeze an oxygen bag, and then we, we ventilate the patient for a while.
But even if you're really, really good as an anesthesiologist, you often can't get a perfect, uh, seal. And then if you take it off, there's still high flow. And so people that are in operating rooms have high levels of, uh, exposure to this stuff. And, um, and so the interesting thing was, like, I've always had a really, really good memory.
And in my last year of anesthesia, I, I felt like I, I had like a bunch of times when I couldn't remember things that. I should have be, been able to remember, like, I remember I walked up to the, to the back door of the surgery center and I couldn't remember the code and it was like, you gotta be kidding me.
How can I not remember the, the, the code? And I think that a lot of, uh, I think that anesthesiologists get exposed and all of those, um, anesthetics are like benzene ring based. And so I think that I personally had a, uh, a gigantic amount of, of exposure to, to, um, to, to, to those, uh, those toxins. And so then the question is how do you, um, how do you detox from those?
Uh, what I did was I did modified citrus pectin. And I, I did that for, uh, uh, A sustained period of time where I was taking that every day. And then basically, it's almost like everything in my practice, everything that we do here was basically my, uh, response of my attempt to treat all of that stuff. And interestingly, it totally worked because as soon as I started doing this stuff, immediately my mental clarity came back to like a hundred percent.
And so then I think that that's a important, uh, thing because you realize, you realize there's like, you know, 200 like nurse anesthetists and anesthesiologist, 200,000 nurse anesthetists and anesthesiologists in North America, I think that are breathing, you know, those things all day, every day. And I remember, I would, I would, I remember the, in the last six months, I remember I started to get some chemical sensitivity where I would get sensitivity to it, where if I got exposed to it, I would feel like terrible and then I would like go way out of my way to minimize it.
And then I would, and then I, and, and so then when I did, and this is just an interesting anesthesia anecdote, but then I would, I would basically try never to do an inhalational anesthetic where I would, I would try always to just give enough propofol so you'd be deep and then we put an l m A in and do that, um, because I got so sensitive to that stuff.
But then as we talk about trauma and PTSD and all of this stuff, and interestingly there are, I probably, I'm gonna dig into this. Um, uh, Kristen remind me to look up my genetics because I probably have the genetics that I just can't detox those. And so I'm gonna do a deep dive into detoxing the, the benzene.
But interestingly, I'm gonna have gratitude for my genetic, um, weakness. And I'm gonna say that was the best thing that ever happened because, um, if that hadn't happened and I wasn't sensitive, I might not, I might have just been happy as a clam breathing those, uh, uh, anesthesia gases and I'd be doing anesthesia for a rotator cuff surgery right now instead of fixing rotator cuffs.
So, um, so that's a good one. So I'm grateful for that. Um, which is, does anybody have any questions while we're sitting here? I have a question. Oh, good. Hi Amy. I have, um, two questions kind of around the, um, Uh, detail. Well, what you were just talking about. What, what's the modified, did you say? Citrus. Oh, so, so then there's, this is a good one.
The, um, there's something called modified citrus pectin. And, uh, and some people will call it M C P, and, but basically they take, uh, pectin, which is like a component of citrus. And then they, they modify it somehow, but it's a really good binder. And so it binds onto mold, um, and it can bind onto a lot of, uh, organic toxins.
And so, uh, if you, uh, see people, a lot of people will get a, a toxin panel from the Great Plains Labs. And, uh, when I see people with high levels of that i'll, and, uh, it's, it's a kind of a general all-purpose binder that people can take that will bind onto toxins. And, and the idea is, is that if you, you, you take that it's something that's gonna stay in your gut and your intestines.
And then it'll bind on to things. And so if you, let's say you breathe, then a, a bunch of, uh, benzene rings, and then now they get absorbed into your blood, then you're gonna start this process of trying to detox those. Eventually they're gonna make their way through the liver and eventually they're gonna be excreted through the bile, um, into the small intestine.
And then hopefully it's just gonna go out. But the problem is it could go out into the small intestine and just go down a little bit and then get reabsorbed. And they call that entero, hepatic recirculation. Mm-hmm. And so then the logic is, well, and, and that can be the case with mycotoxins, and that can be the case with other types of toxins as well.
And so then the idea is if you have a binder in there, Then that binder will bind on and, and hold on to those toxins. And then if that binder is kind of relatively big and that it's not gonna be able to be absorbed across the small intestine or large intestine, and then you're gonna poop it out. And so then with we, we like modified citrus effectin as a binder.
And then we also like, um, uh, you know, there's a, a whole constellation of different clays and charcoals that people will use as binders. And then Chris Shade, I think is one of the, the better thought leaders in this category. And he, uh, has a, a protocol that, um, is worth taking a look at called Push Catch.
And so then what you'll do is you'll take some bidders. And bitters is the same type of thing you put in a Manhattan before you drink it. Um, and the idea is they turn on your digestive juices and then they will get your gallbladder to squeeze and, and empty, uh, bile into the small intestine. And, and so the idea is people that do the push catch protocol will get up in the morning.
Let's say you get up at seven. And take the bitters, uh, right away. And so then you do that seven, about 20 minutes later, you'll take it, take either a couple charcoal pills or uh, take some charcoal and put it in, uh, water and mix it up and then drink it. And then that charcoal is gonna bind onto any, uh, bile salts and, and, and acids and toxins that were pushed out, uh, as pro as part of that.
And then wait another 20 or 30 minutes before you start to do everything else that you do. So that one's, uh, uh, uh, interesting one. Oh, you know what? I got one. Mark, do you have another question? Well, I just had one other Yeah. About, um, and Eric was trying to ask it, but he said it didn't come through. Oh.
About how to give the mod FC. Oh, that's, that's a, a subcutaneous injection also. Okay. That, that was, that was pretty easy. You know what I'm gonna do a, I'm gonna do a talk on, on ma c and n a d and my thoughts around that. I'll do like a whole, like, half hour on that maybe soon. Perfect. Um, so then here's the next one.
This one, uh, from Keith. Dr. Keith. Is he here? Okay, well, so then this is a good one. Um, do you guys know what the Franken Hauser technique is? So there's a, there's something called the, um, Franken Hauser injection that's a, um, uh, approach to taking care of patients with, uh, uh, pelvic floor pain and interstitial cystitis.
And it's a, um, it's a ozone technique. Um, and, uh, Dr. Schnellenberger teaches it. Um, and, uh, I think it's a, it's certainly an interesting technique. Um, basically what they do with that technique is, is they, um, uh, they, it's an, uh, it's an injection in the lower abdomen that is attempting. To end up. Um, and this is for women, um, uh, particularly women with endometriosis, inters, interstitial cystitis, uterine ovarian, and vaginal uh, symptoms.
And so their, if you can imagine, uh, if, uh, this was the, if the vagina is kinda facing you on the screen and, um, the, uh, on either side of hand is the lateral wall of the vagina, you're aiming to be just lateral to the lateral wall of vagina or lateral to the, um, uh, lateral edge of the bladder. So they're in that type of, uh, area.
And what they're doing is they're going in, um, and then deploying, um, the. The, a solution of some local anesthetic with, um, vitamins and minerals, and then following that up with, uh, ozone therapy Now, I know a lot. I don't, I don't personally do that technique in that way. And my concern over that is, is that a, you're injecting a local anesthetic and you can't see the tip of your needle.
And I'm concerned about that. And I'm also concerned that, um, uh, You can't see the tip of the needle. Well, they're doing that as a blind injection. Uh, that local anesthetic could be, uh, in a blood vessel. And so then if that happened, then uh, you'd be just injecting local anesthetic iv. And you don't wanna do that because people can have problems.
Um, in general, the doses you're talking about, they're probably not gonna have a problem. But people can have seizures and other problems, uh, uh, uh, and with, with IV local anesthetics. And so you only wanna do that if you know you're gonna do that. The other problem is, is that ozone is a gas. And I think it's very important to know that when you inject ozone, You know, where you're putting it, uh, exactly what you're doing with it, and to be able to see, uh, uh, where and how, how you do that.
Uh, the, the, the issue with that is, is that if you, uh, were in an artery or a vein, then you would be doing, uh, creating an an error embolism and, um,
I probably talked to 50 or a hundred women who had the Franken Hauser technique, uh, and who told me it was like one of the greatest things that happened to them in their life. And it was a, uh, a life-changing leap positive experience that, uh, uh, helped them with, uh, some of those problems. I, uh, have, uh, developed some alternate approaches where we're using ultrasound to basically, uh, put a needle in the same place, but doing it as an ultrasound guided technique.
And, um, and so I'm, I'm having a positive experience with that, and so I'm. I think that, you know, I'm, I'm doing some teaching for, uh, for Frank and in, in general, I think there's a little bit of the old guard that has been doing that procedure for a long time and they do it safely. And I've watched them do it, and it is quite impressive.
And maybe I'll just say my, maybe my palpation skills are not as good, or maybe I'll say that. Uh, I think based on the issues that I said in terms of needle placement and risk of problems, I think that, uh, my preference would be to do that technique as an ultrasound guided technique. Although doing that as an ultrasound guided technique is somewhat, um, advanced.
But, uh, I think it's important. That being said, With, uh, interstitial cystitis, um, I think that the Franken Hauser can be good. Interestingly, you're putting ozone lateral to the bladder, uh, and ozone is helpful for interstitial cystitis. Ozone can be helpful for interstitial cystitis, whether that be ozone water, whether that be, um, The Franken Hauser, whether that be insufflation of the bladder with ozone, and then even with, uh, IV techniques of ozone, I've seen, uh, uh, all of those benefit, uh, things like methylene blue iv I, I found to be helpful, particularly when you do it with the lights, there's an approach to, to do that.
Um, uh, there's been, um, uh, a positive experience with many of the, almost everything in regenerative medicine, uh, has the potential to be somewhat helpful for interstitial cystitis. Um, uh, and then I think, um, and I think often with interstitial cystitis, I see, uh, I end up finding stealth infections. And so I think peptide therapy, uh, uh, is, is gonna be an important, uh, thing to think about.
And then as we work our way through some of these algorithms and interstitial cystitis, can, can be, I've had some cases that seem catastrophically crazy and then like, I, I did it. And then they're like, oh yeah, you totally cured it. And also, I've got a bunch of cases, probably 10 or 15 cases that, uh, we cured.
We basically just got it to totally go away with methylene blue, which was interesting. And then they came back and were like, yeah, still totally gone like a year ago. I think I mentioned that the other day. But then as, as you, as you work your way through these things, remember that a bunch of these things are really low risk.
Like, so for example, the, um, Peptides are super low risk. And so I do think that, uh, it's worth trying some of the low hanging fruit before going to, you know, real advanced and potentially difficult, uh, injections that have, uh, a complication risk. And, and interstitial cystitis is something that probably deserves a, a more complete bit of, uh, conversation around.
Any other questions?
Hey, Jan. What, any, any, any, any COVID updates or any, anything that you guys have been doing up in Canada that's been interesting?
Sorry. I think zoom, zoom troubles. Um, the best thing that came out today is uh, saliva. Test for kids in school for Covid. It takes like a few minutes. So that was just released today, which is pretty cool. I have no idea about the sensitivity or specificity, but the government photos worth doing it. So I thought that's pretty cool.
Oh, that's great. That's great. What are your thoughts? Uh, you've, you've dug into this a little bit. If I said to you, we, we've got, um, we've got like the PCR testing, we've got antibody testing. Um, when you're seeing people in terms of your, and I was gonna call, uh, it's was on my list to call Helen today, but I, I was even late for this call, so I didn't get it done.
Um, what are your thoughts on testing, uh, and particularly vis. Antibody testing versus PCR testing versus, and I, I just found out about, I've got some saliva kits that are gonna get here in the next couple days that we're gonna be trialing as well. Uh, do you have any thoughts in general? Yeah, I spoke to Hansman, who's our sort of lab director for antibody testing, and they've got, uh, c a p, uh, clearance from, from the states.
Uh, the funny thing is they don't have Canadian clearance yet, which is super ironic, but, uh, he believes that they have some of the best antibody tests in the world. Um, seems to be accurate for about, well shows antibodies for about three months and then it, it starts dissipating. So that seems to be the, the life.
Lifetime of, of antibodies though, that, that's just sort of the natural progression. It'd be interesting to see if we can push people to longer. Um, he does not believe that the vaccines are gonna be much helpful. Uh, but he's also the Swedish of, as you know, the Swedish have a completely different way of, uh, looking at the herd immunity.
He was just in Sweden. He said he didn't have to wear a mask, he didn't have to quarantine nothing. Oh, really? So, yeah, it's pretty. What do you think about that? Yeah, I dunno. I mean, I've been seeing some very, very sick people with post covid. I dunno, it's certainly, it's one of those things, it's, you don't believe it it until it hits you, so.
Right. It's a tough one. Yeah, that's a tough one. Um, uh, It is, it's super interesting cuz I've definitely talked to people who are like, oh yeah, I'm totally fine. And then all of a sudden when it comes, it's like, I, we were, we had a conversation with somebody last night and, and she said, um, like when you get it, like the first thing that occurs to you is that you're gonna die.
Like, which is like a crazy thing to say, but it is, um, it is a little bit like that, particularly for people who are like autoimmune and, and, and stuff like that. But, um, but uh, you know, paradoxically, I told this person, fortunately, you it kind of like myself and it's kind of like myself and, um, all my exposure to all those anesthesia gases forced me.
To figure out how to go into functional medicine to fix myself. And, and I said, fortunately you got those autoimmune things and then I ended up, uh, meeting you and fix and getting a chance to do all this stuff. And so when Covid came around, I already, you were already like, well, well preconditioned. And I just had, I got to go after it.
And so, and you know, it's kinda a, that is a potentially maybe a glass half full, uh, way of thinking about this stuff. But, um, I do continue to have kind of a, a positive and hopeful experience. But then again, we're, you know, we're talking to you, you know, keep, I was talking to Mark Hyman, he was like, you know, they've never had basically a, a virus, uh, like this where they did a vaccine and it worked.
And so, um, I'm, I don't have much confidence that the vaccine's gonna be helpful either. Um, Either at all. But, but I'm, I'm, I'm hopeful and, and I'm, it'd be interesting to see what happens, but I think we're gonna come back to our, what we, go ahead. Sorry. Yeah. No, I just wanted, again, thank goodness for, uh, the pep I think that's certainly saved, um, at least in my experience, quite a few of my patients from, uh, some severe suffering and some of them.
What, what dosing. No symptoms at all. What dosing have you been using Young? I've gone as, I mean, I've gone as high as 20 milligrams of five and beta four iv. For some patients, I've gone as high as, uh, 10 milligrams of pharmac Alpha one. So very similar to what, what you nor proceeds discovered. Yeah, you can, yeah.
I think you, so it's good to, it's good to hear that, um, from you. And it's good to, um, uh, It's good, it's good to hear that from you. And I've done, uh, uh, I've done, um, I've had a couple of people that I've gone as as high as 40 or 50 milligrams of thymus and beta four in some, in some very special circumstances.
And, uh, and I've never gone over 10 milligrams of thymosin alpha one, but, uh, know that in certain, and, and, and it's interesting. I think that there's gonna be something bolus dosing of thymosin Beta four, and I think that that bolus dosing when you start to get up to some of these higher levels, and I try to get people used to it and, and ramp them up.
But I think that for some, for post covid, the, the, the higher dose thymus and beta four, plus the thymus alpha ones can be super interesting to track and follow. So there's a, there's a question I wanted to ask you, and maybe this is good for your next webinar or so. Is, is what's your daily regime specifically now during the pandemic?
Are, are you, have you ramped up something, are you taking something daily? Cuz I mean, you are in the front, front end of, of really sick people of covid and of case anything else going on and like, are you doing pharmac now for one? Are you doing it weekly? If it's, if it's complex, maybe it's, it's it's a good fodder for next webinar.
Oh, that's a good one. No, that's a good, that is a good question. That's a good question. Um, so my, and, and we could, so what I have done is that I'm, I, I'm taking, like,
I'm taking 750 micrograms of thymus Alpha one a day. And so then that's kind of, let's say my dose for, for now. Um, if I, uh, if I got a phone call right now that I was gonna see somebody tomorrow for, uh, COVID, I would take like 1.5 milligrams tonight and then I would take 1.5 milligrams tomorrow. And then I would, any, any time I treat somebody with Covid, I'll give myself like four milligrams of thymus, four or five milligrams of thymus alpha one that day.
And so what I have found is if you, in, if you do, if you're healthy and everything's fine, and then you give yourself four or five milligrams Thymol alpha one, it's just like people could be coughing around you, right, left and center, and you just feel. Almost every second you feel better. Um, and so I've done, and so then what I'll do is, and then after I'm, and if I treat somebody for three or four days, then I'll, I'll stay at a dose of three or four milligrams every day, and then I'll treat myself with like maybe 1.5 milligrams for, uh, one or two days after I'm done treating 'em.
And so I'm, I'm treat, I'm, I'm creating kinda a, a, a bolus, uh, dosing at up, higher dosing to kind of prophylax myself knowing that I know a lot of people who are trying to prophylax for minimal exposures in the ballpark of 750 to a thousand micrograms. But if I'm taking care of people that are sick and coughing, then I'm basic and I also know that 10 milligrams is safe, then what I'm doing is I'm saying, okay.
I'm gonna, I'm prophylaxing myself with a dose that's 50% of max therapeutic, let's say five milligrams. And then I just kind of do that while I'm, uh, in, in the exposure lane. Um, earlier when I was a little bit more, um, nervous about it, I also was taking, uh, if I, if I saw somebody, I would also take, uh, the LL 37 at a hundred mics twice a day.
Uh, when I see somebody with active Covid, um, then what I'm doing is I'm also doing, uh, uh, two or three milligrams of BPC 1 57. And then I'm also doing, uh, three or four milligrams of Thymosin Beta four. So I'm doing that while I treat them. Now you say, well, that's quite a bit. Yeah, it is quite a bit, but I noticed when I do that, I feel lights out, like incredibly amazing and I feel super clear and I feel like incredibly resilient.
It's like, uh, a superhero. You put your superhero uniform on and then interestingly, I, I'm gonna start, we're gonna start a, uh, a separate and a new call that you guys are gonna like in, I hope you're gonna like, love it as much as I do. And that's what that, what I do is I'll take the, um, the subcu dosing and I'm just, I'll give myself, I'll fill up 50 units.
Uh, um, kind of a two third to one third, um, uh, thine beta four to BPC 1 57. And then I'll inject anywhere where have even the slightest hint of any pain. And so I just, I say, well, because of Covid, I'm gonna give myself more of these peptides, but since I'm gonna give myself more of these peptides, I might as well find anywhere in my body where I have a little bit pain and then treat them.
And so then that's been super fun. And then I'm a fan of fun. And so then in my mind, There's a mild downside that I'm getting exposed to covid, but there's an upside that I'm, uh, curing basically any pain in my body. So then that kind of cheers me up, and it doesn't seem like an imposition to deal with, like a life threatening illness.
I, which is probably good for immune system. Then, uh, I, I have some injectable quercetin and Aurine and coq 10, and so I will inject those before I treat, uh, covid people. Um, uh, I have found that, um, any b is super helpful for post covid. I don't know if we, I should have mentioned that a little bit more.
And so then I'll, uh, anytime I treat somebody with Covid, I'll give myself 200 milligrams of N A d, um, which is one cc. Uh, and I I lots of times. Uh, I, I'll give like one and a half cc, so then I'm, uh, I think that, and n a d has a bunch of, uh, mechanism but of increasing the immune system. So I'll do that and, um, uh, you'll feel obviously super amazing when you do that.
And so I will, uh, and so right now I'm not doing any d unless I see somebody that has covid. But then if I see, see somebody that has covid, then I'll, I'll do any d um, uh, in terms of, uh, if I am gonna get any exposure to Covid people, then I definitely don't drink any alcohol. Um, which I think is helpful.
Uh, if I see Covid people, I definitely take melatonin, but I'll take, like, if I see Covid people, I'll take 10 milligrams every day that I see. People with Covid. Um, I'll, I'm taking vitamin D uh, just like normal, like 5,000 units a day. If I see somebody that has covid, I'll take, uh, 30,000 uh, units for a couple days and I'll take, uh, maybe some vitamin A as well.
Uh, I'll do, if on days that I'm treating Covid people, I'll do, um, I'll do, you know, maybe 6,000, uh, like, uh, milligrams of vitamin C, like six grams, um, uh, liposomal from Quicksilver. And, um, and then I'll do a whole bunch of quercetin, uh, uh, orally and, uh, some olive extract orally. Uh, I'll do a lot, I'll, I'll triple down.
Uh, I'll do like three or four scoops of SBI Protect. Uh, that's, uh, serum bovine immunoglobulins, and those are immunoglobulins that kind of bind on to toxins. So then I'll, I'll drink that during the day. And my logic on that is, is that the whole g on prophylaxis is, is important. So I'm taking immunoglobulins all day long on covid days because what happens is those immunoglobulins are going in and binding onto stuff.
And I, and there was a trial out of, uh, Spain where they were using those to treat covid. And I, I've noticed that if you get people, a lot of SBI protect, um, The people that have gastrointestinal covid will feel better. And that when, when you get the, um, gastrointestinal covid, it's pretty interesting because you, you will get, um, abdominal pain that is like surgical abdominal pain.
It was like, you'll, you'll sit there and then it's almost like it was, it is like the craziest thing because you'll sit there and then you'll go, oh fuck, I have like horrible, like nine out of 10 abdominal pain. Um, and so then, uh, but that's quite helpful. Uh, I also, I'll, I don't, um, basically. I like the idea of I'll do binders every once in a while.
I, I'll do some of the modified cispec during the day. Um, if, if I'm seeing Covid people, I'll actually like, do that and definitely make sure I do like a little push catch in the morning and do some binders during the day. In addition to that, um, uh, if I am gonna, if I have time and there's a, uh, I will do like a 10 pass, uh, during a week.
So if I was to, if I was to treat a couple people with Covid in a week, I'll do a, um, uh, I'll definitely do like a 10 pass once or twice if I can. If I can't, what I'll do is I'll just throw in an IV real quick and I'll give myself, you know, uh, I'll probably give myself 20 grams of vitamin C, uh, a few grams of magnesium, a couple ccs, a B12 and B complex.
I'll give myself a luine quercetin. Um, I'll, I'll do IV n a d I'll do, I'll go high dose on glutathione, and so I'll do two or three grams of, uh, glutathione. Um, and, and that's been a super good experience. I'll do, and I've done this myself, I'll do the high dose, um, thymus and beta four, uh, uh, during an acute exposure.
Uh, and then I'm just doing just kind of injections with b, PC and times and beta four, kind of for fun surrounding that. Um, uh, I'll do if, if, if I'm treating people with covid. The every day that I treat people with covid, I also do a glutathione nebulizer. Um, and a lot of times I'll do a, a silver nebulizer.
So I'll get up in the morning and maybe do a silver nebulizer and then do glutathione nebulizer at the end of the day. And so then that is, I'm kind of doubling down on prophylaxis in terms of respiratory prophylaxis, GI prophylaxis, systemic prophylaxis with IVs, um, and, um, and then doing a good job at P p E and all of that stuff.
But then, you know, once you realize, uh, all of, all of this, yeah, it's interesting. I mean, I'm, I guess I'm super passionate about it, but once you go down the road of doing all this stuff, I probably. It becomes kind of like a revenue neutral. I probably spend as much money on myself. I, I I, I spend every penny that I make doing covid on just prophylaxing myself and then, um, and then just kind of, it's interesting.
But, uh, and then I'm just e Then the other thing, Yan, is I'm eating a hundred percent organic. I'm never eating anything factory raised. I'm only eating organic, uh, meat and wild fish. And, and basically I've been 90%, uh, 90% grain free, 90% dairy free, 90% alcohol free, I would say. And then, uh, eating just organic vegetables and, and, uh, drinking a ton of bone broth.
And by the, and by the way, like this is as, uh, th this is just kind of like what I'm doing it. And the main reason, the only, I guess I'm an, I I'm answering the question, but doing this is the gr like the greatest feel good anti-aging protocol that I've ever found. Like, and normally I'm like so busy that I would never make the time to do that for myself.
You know what I mean? But ever since Covid, I've been doing it. And then, so as a result, I've just gotten so much treatment. And interestingly, I, you know, as I, you know, I'm talking to more and more er docs, um, all over the country who were getting sick and, and. Uh, and you know, especially my heart goes out to those guys cuz they're up all night and stuff like that, and EMTs I'm talking to.
And, um, and so then this is, this is kind of an interesting one because everything that I said I can tell you is, is really working, uh, for me. I mean, this is kind of like a, a a a, a slightly crazy, uh, number of one. But then what I think is, is that the, the experience is this, that I think that we, we should be treating all, uh, all first responders and all, uh, medical, uh, personnel who are actively taking care of, uh, acute people.
I think would benefit from being on Thymosin Alpha one. And, uh, what I think we should have is some algorithms and protocols of what to do in and around it. I know there are people who are taking hydroxychloroquine. I'm not, um, uh, but, um, uh, oh, and, you know, and then here's one, uh, the darker seeds, um, is a big fan of ketone esters.
And, uh, and so then I just added that to my protocol. So I, I drink a couple of those, uh, a day. Uh, I drink two of those every day, which has been, um, I would say I feel good, although, I mean, I'm, I'm obviously doing a lot. Um, and, uh, I would say that there's some, there's probably, there's gonna be a handful of other things that I'm doing, but that's, I would say that's a start.
What do you think? That's awesome. It's a great start.
Um, yeah, and then the high dose ozone therapy. I, I gave myself some ozone dialysis. It's just logistically hard for me to do that for myself. Um, but I did ozone dialysis during covid, uh, when it was kinda more crazy. Um, ozone dialysis is by far, like 10 times better than high dose ozone therapy. In terms of curing covid, I mean, or in terms of treating it?
Um, I don't wanna say curing it, but I, I do think it's worth talking about what things lead to positive experiences with it. And I think ozone is, is still, you know, I talked to Mark Hyman about it too at length and he agrees with me. I think that, uh, ozone is still number one. Uh, I just think it's logistically.
So hard to train people if, um, if people wanna train to, if, if people are out in the, if people wanna learn how to, to treat covid and they wanna go places. And I met a wonderful nurse that, uh, was going to Indian reservations and rv I, you know, I tried to raise money to go to the Navajo Nation to treat people, and I still couldn't get anyone to get into that idea.
But I, I still believe that it's a social justice issue and that, uh, this, this is a, a working reasonable, uh, uh, way to support people. Um, and so, you know, I'm, I'm very passionate about it and happy to talk to anybody about it if they've got any good ideas.
I happen to have a friend who just got back from the Navajo Nation through Texar, Texas Search and Rescue, and it was, oh, they were doing it more for food and medical supply delivery. But I know that, know the people who like gave them, I mean, they have people accompany them the whole time for the whole, she was there 10 days.
Um, but I could give you the name of the contact person that they had. To see if there's some way to Oh, yeah. If there's any way. What, what, what they're doing in Europe a lot is they're doing major auto hemotherapy, which is the, the most straightforward and easy technique of ozone to learn. And if anybody wants to learn that, I will teach them that, um, uh, as a, as an approach to dealing with, uh, covid because, and I would, I guess I would, I would couch it as, I would teach them that as an approach to dealing with post covid symptoms, because our experiences we're seeing it work for post covid.
And I think people don't wanna, um, it's like I'm still kind of reluctant to even say that I'm treating anybody because it's like people, uh, look at it as if you're trying to make money on that, which is not our intention, but it's a hell of a, um, it's a hell of a logistical. Challenge to, to sort through.
Um, and I'm, I'm well on my way towards that, but it's, it's interesting.
Um, alright, well, uh, let's everybody unmute yourself and say that regardless of the fact that the world does seem like it's on fire and, uh, uh, it's the on fire, the whole, the whole, the whole world is on fire, but, um, for, for, in one way or another, but, um, uh, change leads to, um, opportunity and new ideas and growth and, uh, I, I continue to feel that, um, it's going.
It, it's going to lead the human race to a higher level of health and sanity and something amazing is gonna come out it. So let's just say it's gonna be amazing. It's gonna be amazing. Amazing. Awesome. It's gonna be amazing. Well, thank you guys. Nice to see you, John. See your face. You guys should un, un, un, uh, I need to have you see, I just spent the whole, I spent this whole call just sending positive energy to Amy and Laura because I just saw your faces.
And so I spent the, I literally spent the whole call looking at the two of you guys sending you love. So, um, but, um, I love you guys all and I appreciate you. Thanks so much for being here, and I hope that was, uh, useful. Um, yeah. And, uh, the last, uh, The last three weeks have been by far the busiest. This has been the busiest month of my life.
So I, I had, uh, just some situations where I was working super late, so I wasn't able to do the calls for the last couple weeks. But we're gonna get back on, uh, track and I'm actually gonna start to do some, uh, some like little mini. Uh, weekly calls on injections and also, uh, I, I might try to, I'm gonna try to maybe take a day off a week and do a little bit more of this, so it's gonna be amazing.
Yes, it will. Thank you, man, Fred. Thanks, Kristen. Thanks everybody. Yeah, thanks guys. Thank you, Jan. Bye. Cheers. You can find this Bio Reset podcast and others on iTunes, Spotify, and all other top podcast directories, as well as on bio reset podcast.com. Make sure to subscribe and thanks for listening.
In this Q&A Podcast, Dr. Cook responds to questions from other doctors on treating POTS (postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome), Lyme and Mold, among other things. You'll also learn ways Dr. Cook has been helping patients increase the immune surveillance and improve their vascular health systems using NAD and peptides.
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